My Lan Vu
Chief Commercial Officer
Marsh Vietnam
The discussion is open from 20-10-2011 to 11-11-2011
The advisor answered on 07-11-2011
No one is perfect.CEO sometimes makes mistake.What are typical mistaken of a CEO?Could you share with us?
What are typical mistaken of a CEO? Could you please share with us?
- My Lan Vu1320921615
Hi Lap,
You are right. CEOs sometimes make mistakes. Different CEOs make different mistakes. It depends on their leadership style, which in turn are different depending on type of organization leadership - SOEs, private owned, foreign owned, MNC. There are however common mistakes that most CEOs make. They are:
- Fail to react quickly enough on personnel issues. This might result in having demotivated staff, or worse - loosing staff
- When the size of a company is getting bigger, CEOs fail to reach out to general staff of the company. They spend most of their time working with their leadership team, meeting with clients/prospects/suppliers/partners - outsiders. This results in creating a distance between them and general staff of the company. CEOs must understand that they need to maintain a trustworthy relationship with all staff of the company. This task can not be delegated to any one else.
- Since CEOs spend time more with their direct reports, they might can't always have a true picture as his view is influenced by information provided by their direct reports.
- CEOs do not really know what are the areas that need need improvement. Simply because they normally do not have feedback from colleagues. They are the boss!Like any other CEO, I do make mistakes sometimes. Making mistakes is a part of life. No one is perfect. What more important is understanding what are the areas that we need to improve. Talk to colleagues, friends, family. Ask for their feedback on what we are good at, what we need to improve. This helps us to be a better person, a better leader.
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