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How do I make the registered drugstore franchise?

Answer1 hZWZmZtimGuUm5aExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsmGVrUr98qKellJ--oJ_Tj6PNo5mMrs7PxrDF3N-wn8KdpcbWzNPUU3DZa55siJyl1JvYnqemiHCnbWVtb1qlm9CVcpPXoaWgfYeArlVx12ptnlqkkdTG0dSGn8Ogl2rcrJ6Uk52Gy5-pz6XfkdqvoMtan6hycKBXpaiZrKmhqKCHa6RqnHJYl6OnnNaslc2UWZ-rbmSch5aTnZaEoddqmXOGxMXX09iQnspToZugZmvjtQ..
Dung Le Thanh's picture
Answer1 hZWZmZtimGuUm5aExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsmGVrUr98qKellJ--oJ_Tj6PNo5mMrs7PxrDF3N-wn8KdpcbWzNPUU3DZa55siJyl1JvYnqemiHCnbWVtb1qlm9CVcpPXoaWgfYeArlVx12ptnlqkkdTG0dSGn8Ogl2rcrJ6Uk52Gy5-pz6XfkdqvoMtan6hycKBXpaiZrKmhqKCHa6RqnHJYl6OnnNaslc2UWZ-rbmSch5aTnZaEoddqmXOGxMXX09iQnspToZugZmvjtQ..

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  • Linh Nguyen's picture
    Linh Nguyen

    I don’t have specific experiences in Drugstore business but have experiences in franchise in Education as I own the Franchise of Dale Carnegie for Vietnam since 2007.
    Found something relevant on the website which I believe you can access on your own as well. The information is from the site
    So do some first steps as the advice below, once you get into the planning stage and have questions, let me know then I can support.

    “Franchises in this Industry
    Health Mart Franchise
    Medicap Pharmacy Franchise
    Medicine Shoppe Franchise
    Sav-Mor Franchise

    Other Franchising Tips
    If you are interested in buying a Drugstore Franchise, then you will most likely be requested to complete a formal franchise application, which will involve typically a credit check and sometimes a background check. If you meet the franchisors guidelines, then to move forward then by law the franchisor is required to send or provide to you a disclosure document, known as a Uniform Franchise Offering Circular (UFOC). Read the UFOC carefully and have your lawyer go over it as well, since it will include a vast amount of information on the franchise such as: history of franchise and its key principals, financial statements, litigation, franchise openings/closings/terminations, franchisee contacts, franchise agreement, requirements, and more.
    When considering whether or not to invest your money in a Drugstore franchise, be sure to ask if you will be required to purchase products and supplies from the parent company. If so, compare your cost to the local retail prices of the same goods. There have been instances in the franchise industry where the price from the franchise company for goods was higher than the price of the same goods in local retail stores. Selling anything under these conditions would make it quite difficult to keep your prices comparable with your competitors.”

    • hZWZmZtimGuUm5aExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsm2pTcdGrrZenVW7VbW6eUp3Zppeky9TSg5_XnJiUaoObydbWpNLZqJrYc9um2qWeroyxgVpz2W9qbVaplqqan9hSbJGdaXCtqG1snFWX0qOuyaqTmcaHn9SemJyInGCXaoae3-A.


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