Main causes of corporate crisis and solutions?
Nguyên nhân chính có thể dẫn đến nguy cơ khủng hoảng của tổ chức và phương hướng giải quyết?
- Chien Ly Truong1333499032
For the corporate crisis question, as last time I shared with all the company structure (corporate) look like a house with ground are market, 4 pillars are Clients, Employee, Owner and Society. Crisis could come from one or some of those basic elements.
Crisis from market could be managed by market research and tracking will leading by marketing and general management team,...
Crisis from clients should be managed by CSR, Marketing, technical, production and customer service team,...
Crisis from employee should be managed by trade union, HR dept and general management team,...
Crisis from owner should be managed by chairman or president and CSR or IR team,...
Crisis from society should be handled by right team such as CSR, Legal, marketing, customer service, trade union,... and leading by management team or leader.We should team work with clear leader for each case, With legal advisory board or layer those information will help management team have a good vision to imagine what can happen in market short, mid and long time, so the team can be well prepared for it.
Anyway, crisis comes and will go. However, when you would like to well manage crisis, we can imagine that If our corporate look like a house as mentioned above, crisis can come from 1 or more pillar or ground. To well manage this, we should have right solutions, we can have the new structure like the house of solution. The house with ground is potential crisis / issues / problem. The first pillar is the state authorities where issue certificate for that organization to run their activities The second pillar is the corporate itself. the third pillar is professional authorities could be checking and giving good advise transparency for media and community, the last pillar is the authorities representative for the main target audience of crisis. So with that 4 pillars and right methodologies, right procedures, then we can have good solutions to solve any crisis.
So we should have good relation with those pillars to manage any crisis. Because when crisis comes, if only 1 corporate try to solve then no one believed. If you have all those members together cooperation and give right information for communicyies then you can through crisis faster and come back your stable status ealier.
In principle it should be like that, in case we have 1 case, my advise will be clearer.
I do believe that we have many questions waiting for good answers, so let's make clear and detail question then we can help you better
P/S: some information sourced from internet
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