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What are common mistakes that new or inexperienced managers make?

Answer11 hZWZmpRpmWuUnJKExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsmGVrUr98qKellJ--oJ_Tj6PNo5mMrs7PxrDF3N-wn8KdpcbWzNPUU3DZa55siJyl1JvYnqemiHCnbWVtb1qlm9CVcpPXoaWgfYeArlVx12ptnlqkkdTG0dSGn8Ogl2rcrJ6Uk52Gy5-pz6XfkdqvoMtan6hycKBXpaiZrKmhqKCHa6RqnHJYl6OnnNaslc2UWZ-rbmOch5aUlIad2Z5om1vFxtbS1sWamYhsz2yWca3j
Phuong Hoang's picture

Many , supervisors and team leaders are promoted to lmanager positions based on their "hard skills" or technical skills. Yet, as new managers, most of them have never had any formal training in management-skills, and how to communicate effectively. So, they often make mistakes. What are common mistakes that new or inexperienced managers make? how to improve it?

Answer11 hZWZmpRpmWuUnJKExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsmGVrUr98qKellJ--oJ_Tj6PNo5mMrs7PxrDF3N-wn8KdpcbWzNPUU3DZa55siJyl1JvYnqemiHCnbWVtb1qlm9CVcpPXoaWgfYeArlVx12ptnlqkkdTG0dSGn8Ogl2rcrJ6Uk52Gy5-pz6XfkdqvoMtan6hycKBXpaiZrKmhqKCHa6RqnHJYl6OnnNaslc2UWZ-rbmOch5aUlIad2Z5om1vFxtbS1sWamYhsz2yWca3j

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  • Hien Anh Nguyen's picture
    Hien Anh Nguyen

    These are some of my own mistakes that I now realized and trying to improve
    - I work in art but "wearing the manager hat", I tried to make many thing logical that to a certain extend lessen the creativity of my team
    - instead of fully responsible for my whole team's result , I was worried too much about how other look at me & evaluate me as a newly promoted manager
    - Before creating much more value, I expect much more salary increase which actually disturb my mind and lessen my enjoyment for the new role

    • hZWZmpRpmWuUnJKExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsm2pTcdGrrZenVW7VbW6eUp3Zppeky9TSg5_XnJiUaoObydbWpNLZqJrYc9um2qWeroyxgVpz2W9qbVaplqqan9hSbJGdaXCtqG1snFWX0qOuyaqTmcaHn9Sel5yInGKYW5_g3w..
  • duong dang's picture
    duong dang

    the most frequent mistakes, that I have seen, in the middle management level is :
    - do not know how to delegate: most of people still have habit to do everything by themselves.
    - do not know how to train people: just give work without good training with expect the person can understand what you expect.
    - do not know how to connect people: you are the team leader, and that is you, not another one to make the connection between people, do not expect people to do it by themselves or you will get a mess to clean.
    - do not chose the right person for the right work: most of time, the newbies concern by heart choice, not mind choice.
    Also, here is some other small soft skills that the new manager should learn: presentation skill, team building skill.....
    Should learn one fact that you would be "lonely" when being manager, your life is not like before when you can tell people about your family, husband or children....Being a manager, you lead people, not to share your own feelings with them.
    And finally, you are in charge of your team, for the whole good or bad things/results.

    • hZWZmpRpmWuUnJKExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsm2pTcdGrrZenVW7VbW6eUp3Zppeky9TSg5_XnJiUaoObydbWpNLZqJrYc9um2qWeroyxgVpz2W9qbVaplqqan9hSbJGdaXCtqG1snFWX0qOuyaqTmcaHn9Sel5yInGOTW5_g3w..
  • Thanh Nguyen's picture
    Thanh Nguyen

    Hi Phuong Hoang,
    Hihi, they think that they are managers already. It doesn't work in the way that someone put you in the seat and call you with that title, but rather: you have to earn it.

    • hZWZmpRpmWuUnJKExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsm2pTcdGrrZenVW7VbW6eUp3Zppeky9TSg5_XnJiUaoObydbWpNLZqJrYc9um2qWeroyxgVpz2W9qbVaplqqan9hSbJGdaXCtqG1snFWX0qOuyaqTmcaHn9SemJyIm2WTcYae3-A.
  • Cuu Truong's picture
    Cuu Truong

    They have just moved up new position base on "hard skills" or "technical skills". That is a big challenge so they should learn leadership skill which must be possessed by Manager such as Encouraging the heart, Modelling the way, Inspiring a shared vision... Br.

    • hZWZmpRpmWuUnJKExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsm2pTcdGrrZenVW7VbW6eUp3Zppeky9TSg5_XnJiUaoObydbWpNLZqJrYc9um2qWeroyxgVpz2W9qbVaplqqan9hSbJGdaXCtqG1snFWX0qOuyaqTmcaHn9SemJyIm2aTaoae3-A.


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