What do you think are the most common culture challenges for Vietnamese and foreigners working together?
After receiving so many feedback on difficult professional relationships between foreigners and Vietamese, Some of these feedback come from top management foreigners with mid management Vietnamese reporting to them. Some from my time at an international bank from foreigners reporting to a Vietnamese manager. Some are from professional Vietnamese who have a lot of frustration trying to communicate and develop a positive professional relationship with foreign colleagues.
I'm hopeful in designing a workshop to bridge this cultural gap for both foreigners and locals that will be very practical, bridge the gap and bring cultural understanding and acceptance. If you have any personal experiences to share, let us know the situation and what you would advise others to do. Thanks!
- herbert white1314535616
I have to say I have learned more on this subject from the discussion than I think I may contribute. I have a very diverse team and have so for nearly 30 years. My team are various forms of Christianity, Buddhism, Muslim, Hindu, Judaism, and atheist. Ethnicity range from various Euro-american, African American, Caribbean, Vietnamese, Chinese, Bangladeshi, Indian, Pakistani, Puerto Rican, among others. About 40% are immigrants and the rest are most first generation Americans. BTW even for Euro-Americans they are different - Irish American is different than Italian or German American.
It is a very nourishing environment. People work freely with each other without concerns on differences in culture. They also socialize with each other and coordinate events such as birthday celebrations and holidays. Thee differences in culture seem small. Only one is Muslim and this month they are fasting. no one eats or drinks around this person and they give words of encouragement. I have coordinated a "happy hour" for September 1st to celebrate this person's fasting for the month. Everyone supports each other.
So why does this work? I think one thing is that we expect to have differences with each other and no one culture dominates. When someone new starts the first thing we discuss is religion and culture so we can understand each other. I do not think this is the norm in most companies but i have encouraged it. We also respect each others cultures since we are all in the minority and we feel that need to respect each others cultures.
So maybe that is the answer. That we should start relationships trying to understand each other as much as understanding our business or work relationships. Also that we are all equal - that we are as much a minority as a majority, I have to admit that this last point is a tough one. If any of us were in a foreign country the foreigners would look at us as being a minority and we would want to be home where we would be in the majority. What a bad position to start to bridge differences!
To end, this reminds me of a story a priest stated in church. He read a story from the bible of aliens (i.e. immigrants) travel through a country and how people should treat immigrants/aliens well. I though naturally I would welcome anyone who visited my country. When the priest discussed the reading he took a perspective that I found insightful. HE said we are all spirits passing through this life and we need to treat each other well. So you, me, everyone are spirits regardless of our cultures and we need to seek to understand each other as if we are all in the minority.
For workshop try role playing, especially with very different cultures and tell the participants to take their roles seriously. That could be helpful
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I think you raise a very good concern, i can speak from personal experience having worked for Techcombank in Hanoi. We had quite a few foreigners working there including myself, but most were westerners and i was one of the very few asians there.Language is obviously the core cultural challenge, simply because it's not just a matter of understanding what is being said, but deeper than that understanding the nuances implied.
From a cultural perspective, i think it comes down to how willing one is to integrate with the local staff. I find that Vietnamese, similar to Indonesians, have very strong family values. My key to success was trying to embrace them as family, getting to know them, and understanding them. In the end, i ended up knowing the husbands, wives, children of all my staff, and they openly accepted me as part of their extended family and this was how we built up a very strong mutual trust and loyalty towards each other.
Simple examples:
1. Tet is probably the most important festivity in Vietnam, it was very difficult for the other foreigners (especially the westerners) to fork out cash for lucky money, but it's the culture here and playing along with it goes a long way.
2. Willingness to learn the language and practice it also goes a long way. Vietnamese know that their language is not easy especially for those foreigners whose native tongue is not tonal, so the simple effort is appreciated.In conclusion, it's the little things that count and make the difference for foreigners to integrate with their Vietnamese staff .... going out for drinks, learning to sing a vietnamese song or two.
Hope this helps.
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Very nice question, Paul:). To build on what people have been sharing, I'd add several small points:
- Culture differences : Nothing right or wrong about how each culture consider certain behaviour is acceptable or not, but in Vietnam it may cause big judgement For instant I used to have some single American colleagues who play out nightly and of course having many date at the same time. This can be considered normal in America but my other Vnese co-worker think this is not acceptable and dislike these guys.
- Foreigner tend to be straight forward while Vnese, especially in the north (beside the language limitation) don't speak what they think, so it may create many misunderstanding...
- If the foreigner don't open up to VNese, the chance that Vnese proactively get close to them is less, cause VNese by nature respect hierarchy and also quite shy...The only tip I have is build relationship & build relationship. Open up, talk, go out of work, blend into each other culture in order to understand and behave rightly... When you have a close understanding and a little bit personal touch in the relationship, it's much easier to overcome culture obstacle
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- hZWZmpRpmWyalpqExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsm2pTcdGrrZenVW7VbW6eUp3Zppeky9TSg5_XnJiUaoObydbWpNLZqJrYc9um2qWeroyxgVpz2W9qbVaplqqan9hSbJGdaXCtqG1snFWX0qOuyaqTmcaHn9Sel5yImGaVW5_g3w..
hZWZmpRpmWyalpqExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsm2pTcdGrrZenVW7VbW6eUp3Zppeky9TSg5_XnJeYaoOgydel0tHTlqPad9Wk01hr2XKab1qox6eVoKdbcJlzZJ-rpGqccliTo6aqx6WVzZRZn6tuY5yHmJeYhp3ZnmmbW9Pa0MjWxaaeylOhpaBpaohqlGZac-Oy - Chris DangTran1312895719
When I was Creative Director at Texas Instruments in Dallas, USA. I managed 3 design centers, one in NIce, France for Europe, one in Tokyo, Japan for Asia and the Head design center in Dallas, Texas, USA. Each Design center has 3 to 4 designers and they all working the same concept of laptop computer for TI.
Its a huge challenge to get them work and share the same process. The mind is there and plenty but the culture understanding is missing, created many conflicts among them. Just like the wolf pack, when they are together, same culture, same thinking they are strong and discriminate the other. By solving this problem, I rotated them . Every 6 months, one French designer came to and worked with the American team in Dallas. one American went to Tokyo, one American went to Tokyo, Japan. By doing this, they have to learn different culture and process from different group. This method is expensive but its worth to implement. After one year, things getting better, shown more result for the company. Conclusion, the most problem is about understanding different culture and having an open mind among different ethic groups. Good luck with your project Paul.-
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.hi Paul, from my opinions, the common challenges for Vietnamese and foreigners working together are:
1. language barrier
2. vietnameses are conservatism - although they know most foreign companies bring better and creative solutions, they still often have thoughts like: "you ain't vietnamese and how long have you been living here to understand what the VN economy is like, what you are saying is harvard's talk so those won't work in VN, we must be flexible!!!..."
3. do top management foreigners really know the working system in vn? do they understand what are the local citizens' needs?
4. westerners follow laws whereas easterners do things according to relationships
.probably that's it for now .will add on if anything pops up!
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hZWZmpRpmWyalpqExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsm2pTcdGrrZenVW7VbW6eUp3Zppeky9TSg5_XnJeYaoOgydel0tHTlqPad9Wk01hr2XKab1qox6eVoKdbcJlzZJ-rpGqccliTo6aqx6WVzZRZn6tuY5yHmJWchp3ZnmmbW9Pa0MjWxaaeylOhpaBpaohqlWVac-Oy - Lam Dang1312603695
Hi Paul, I have few years working in Panasonic, Standard Charter and Mizuho, from my personal experiences, I think the most common culture challenges for not only Vietnamese or even Foreigners working together out of differentiation in language the issues are understanding and ability to adopt and adapt organization's culture. Different organizations have different culture, different countries have different culture. Therefore to overcome these challenges, we would beter to understand the local as well as international and organization's culture, from that understanding we will be more empathic and it may help us to create most suitable working environment and culture for organization. I also think that it may be quite difficult to communicate effectively with others incase I could not understand the culture in the organization. From point of view of staff, the organization would be beter if have proper and suitable training programs to ensure new and existing staffs, managers (mid management levels) or even top management level could understand deeply the organization's, local and international culture and these may help ensuring effective communications among and out of organization.
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Thanks Bimo and Thanh for the excellent advice. Indeed it is the small things that will make a big difference over the long term in relationships. This could be one of the biggest gap that needs to be bridged.
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