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What is your story to create a passion in the workplace?

Answer hZWZmZphkmuVmJKExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsmGVrUr98qKellJ--oJ_Tj6PNo5mMrs7PxrDF3N-wn8KdpcbWzNPUU3DZa55siJyl1JvYnqemiHCnbWVtb1qlm9CVcpPXoaWgfYeArlVx12ptnlqkkdTG0dSGn8Ogl2rcrJ6Uk52Gy5-pz6XfkdqvoMtan6hycKBXpaiZrKmhqKCHa6RqnHJYl6OnnNaslc2UWZ-rbmSch5WYlpyEoddqmXOGxMXX09iQnspToZugZmvjtQ..
Tuan Anh Nguyen's picture

Passion drives results! Jim Collins, the author of "Good to Great" said, "Nothing great can happen without beginning first with passion. If you are not passionate, you can't possibly make it great!"

As a manager, one of your duties is to create a passionate team in which every one shall perform with the highest energy. This will result in your team performance and excellence. Yet, it has been at a certain level a challenging task.

So what is your story to create a passion in the workplace? I would love to learn from you.

Thanks a lot!

Answer hZWZmZphkmuVmJKExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsmGVrUr98qKellJ--oJ_Tj6PNo5mMrs7PxrDF3N-wn8KdpcbWzNPUU3DZa55siJyl1JvYnqemiHCnbWVtb1qlm9CVcpPXoaWgfYeArlVx12ptnlqkkdTG0dSGn8Ogl2rcrJ6Uk52Gy5-pz6XfkdqvoMtan6hycKBXpaiZrKmhqKCHa6RqnHJYl6OnnNaslc2UWZ-rbmSch5WYlpyEoddqmXOGxMXX09iQnspToZugZmvjtQ..

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