

Connecting opportunities

Where do you contribute your time and talent to community and non-profits? What is the benefit?

Answer1 hZWZmZphknCclZqExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsmGVrUr98qKellJ--oJ_Tj6PNo5mMrs7PxrDF3N-wn8KdpcbWzNPUU3DZa55siJyl1JvYnqemiHCnbWVtb1qlm9CVcpPXoaWgfYeArlVx12ptnlqkkdTG0dSGn8Ogl2rcrJ6Uk52Gy5-pz6XfkdqvoMtan6hycKBXpaiZrKmhqKCHa6RqnHJYl6OnnNaslc2UWZ-rbmSch5WRm5iEoddqmXOGxMXX09iQnspToZugZmvjtQ..
herbert white's picture

I am wondering how many volunteer for their community and non-profits. I work for a few with the largest currently being an Asian American Film Festival. I help organize events and enjoy seeing many benefit from the festival. What do you do and what do you like about it?

Answer1 hZWZmZphknCclZqExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsmGVrUr98qKellJ--oJ_Tj6PNo5mMrs7PxrDF3N-wn8KdpcbWzNPUU3DZa55siJyl1JvYnqemiHCnbWVtb1qlm9CVcpPXoaWgfYeArlVx12ptnlqkkdTG0dSGn8Ogl2rcrJ6Uk52Gy5-pz6XfkdqvoMtan6hycKBXpaiZrKmhqKCHa6RqnHJYl6OnnNaslc2UWZ-rbmSch5WRm5iEoddqmXOGxMXX09iQnspToZugZmvjtQ..

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  • Rosie Vu's picture
    Rosie Vu

    At the moment, I am the volunteer for the Green Dream services educational Corporation. We have just organized a 3-day event, cooperating with Lincoln House School in Korea, inviting Mr.Park Ock Soo to talk about soul world which helps many students/the youth with their lives throughout the past few years. After this event, the company decided to set up a club for those of us (volunteers) to continue to hold this kind of events in the future in order to let more students know of soul world, especially offer life skill education to help bad students to change. Most out of it, I think this brings me many benefits since I get a valuable chance to learn more about event organization as well as make more friends not only in Vietnam but also from other countries. If I could find any free time, I would continue to be the volunteer for their next events, perhaps helping with the ideas on what kind of event to be organized, such as cultural exchange or having trips to visit orphan village, or the disability, etc. What I like when doing those things is that I am able to bring them happiness as well.:)

    • hZWZmZphknCclZqExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsm2pTcdGrrZenVW7VbW6eUp3Zppeky9TSg5_XnJiUaoObydbWpNLZqJrYc9um2qWeroyxgVpz2W9qbVaplqqan9hSbJGdaXCtqG1snFWX0qOuyaqTmcaHn9SemJyImGORboae3-A.


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