Public Profile
Minh Tinh AITC
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Current:Human Resources Management at AITC International Training & Consultancy
- AITC, Vietnam
- AITC, Vietnam
Connection:934 connection(s)
AITC is a professional training and consultancy company specializing in introducing short training courses on management skills and people’s skills. With the mission to share knowledge and skills in order to better equip for a brighter future, AITC focuses on learners’ needs and interest, set quality as first priority to ensure effectiveness and results. With flexible, modern and update methods, we have confirmed our training competence, quality depending on customer’s belief, loyalty and cooperation through the years.
Job Function:Marketing
Industries:Education/Training, Headhunting & HR Services
Specialities:With a qualified team of PHD, MBA degree and experienced professionals and collaboration with international partners, AITC believes in and commits to developing long-term relationship with clients to provide effective solutions to meet their real needs.The team of trainers has proved our training competences by customers’ loyalty and cooperation because these trainers have ever been training leaders or directors or consultants of the first Vietnamese organizations and enterprises
Job Level:C-level (CEO, CFO, CTO, President, etc.)
Human Resources Management
AITC International Training & Consultancy Headhunting & HR Services
January 2004 - Present (21 years 6 months)
AITC (Vietnam)
MBA , Human Resources
2004 - 2011 -
AITC (Vietnam)
MBA , Human Resources
2004 - 2011
Training Management Skills
Training Management Skills, Advance Train the trainer, Basic & Advanced Human Resources Management
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