Public Profile
Minh-Duc PHAM
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Current:Business Developer in Oil & Gas at SAIPEM Vietnam
- Chief Representative at TVA Engineering
- EPITA : Software Engineering, France
Connection:25 connection(s)
Born in France from Vietnamese parents (originated from Hanoi and Saigon) who came in to study in 1950, Minh-Duc is a software engineer graduated from an engineer school (EPITA, France) and spent more than 20 years in the Oil & Gas and Power industries.
In the first part of his career, Minh-Duc held key positions in a French engineering company (TVA Engineering - celebrating 25 years in 2013) where he contributed to a sustainable growth during 17 years.
In 2008, he moved to Hanoi first and then Ho Chi Minh City where he has been proposed by one of his prospects, Saipem Singapore Pte. Ltd, to join the commercial team in Vietnam where he contributed to the award of 2 major offshore installation projects for a total amount of 175M USD : Bien Dong WP2&3 (Bien Dong POC) and Hai Su Trang-Hai Su Den (Thang Long JOC). He is targeting projects from 30 million to several billions USD.
Since 2011, he is also supporting other commercial departments in Europe (Onshore upstream and Drilling) to identify opportunities in Vietnam.
After 5 years in Vietnam, he is now looking for a new challenge in South East Asia. With his technical background, commercial experience and tri-lingual ability, he is comfortable in any business development position where complex projects need to be identified and acquired according to company strategy and policy.
About Saipem :
Saipem is a major EPC player in Oil & Gas with over 13.36 billion EUR (> 17.46 billion USD) revenues in 2012 and more than 40,000 employees worldwide.
Job Function:Human Resources
Specialities:Oil & Gas, Business development, Engineering, Offshore Transportation and Installation, Onshore upstream, Recruitment, ICT.
Job Level:Director
Business Developer in Oil & Gas
SAIPEM Vietnam
August 2010 - Present (14 years 10 months) -
Chief Representative
TVA Engineering
August 2008 - August 2010 (2 years)
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