Public Profile
Nguyễn Đình Dương
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Current:Sales & Marketing Manager at Iskybiz
- Sales and Marketing Manager at EQuest Academy
- Account Manager - Marketing Executive at Vietnam Pyramid New Technology Corporation (Pythis)
- La Trobe University - Hanoi University, Vietnam
- Hanoi university of Business and Technology, Vietnam
Connection:103 connection(s)
Group Management skills: teamwork, leadership, ability to motivate others, operating for effectively working in a group, impressively organizing meetings, trips, developing and maintaining peaceful relations between partners.
Computing skills: use proficient in Microsoft Office applications, good in Internet Explorer, Win 7 Operating System…
Communication skills: listening carefully, speaking clearly, and putting arguments fluently in writing.
Analysis skills: distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information, identifying issues and problems, find out solutions.
Administrative Work Management: quickly typing, effectively answering phone, friendly communicate with coworkers and others, suitably arranging work, thoughtfully organizing workshops and conferences, carefully working on reports and speeches.
Other skills: Valid driver’s license, a clean driving record, and the ability to pass a drug test and a background check; can sing, drink and dance; play tennis; a little martial arts.
Time Management skills: arranging work, solving multi-tasks at the same time, bringing a successful conclusion before deadlines
Job Function:
Good skill of solving problem, negotiation and presentation
Ability to work independently and under pressure
Strong logical, creative and strategic thinking
Enthusiastic, self-motivated and well organized
Active, diligent, careful and capable to learn new concepts
Humorous, friendly, sincerely and honestly
Job Level:C-level (CEO, CFO, CTO, President, etc.)
Sales & Marketing Manager
November 2013 - Present (11 years 6 months) -
Sales and Marketing Manager
EQuest Academy
December 2012 - Present (12 years 5 months) -
Account Manager - Marketing Executive
Vietnam Pyramid New Technology Corporation (Pythis)
April 2009 - May 2012 (3 years 2 months)
La Trobe University - Hanoi University (Vietnam)
Hanoi university of Business and Technology (Vietnam)
Groups and Associations:
Honors and Awards:2010 - 2011: Pythis
Selling a new contract was $12, 000 with Honda’s customer.
Account leader at Tan A – Dai Thanh ERP solution project with contract budget: $500, 000. The customer had chosen our company solutions but unfortunately, they did not implement immediately so that I missed the contract.
Hobbies and Interests:playing football with friends
surfing web
reading books
listening music
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