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Nguyen Hong Nguyen
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Current:Finance Specialist (Accountability and Risk Management) at UNDP Vietnam
- Operations Manager at The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Hanoi Branch
- Project Manager at Siemens (Thailand) Limited
- School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand, Thailand
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE), Hungary
Connection:80 connection(s)
Corporate Governance and Compliance (corporate accountability system and internal controls framework, management/ internal audit and project audit, standard operating procedures, performance monitoring & evaluation). Enterprise Risk Management (market, operational and financial risks). Guidelines and procedures for programme/ project appraisal, management, oversight and evaluation. Organizational Development and Change (organization design & restructuring, change management and business process improvement, post merger and acquisition (M&A) business activities, procurement, recruitment, local salary surveys, compensation & benefits including pension funds). Goods and service pricing. Supply chain management (planning, customer relations, purchasing, manufacturing, delivery, after sales service). Internal management consultancy and counseling. Contract and legal documentation.
Commercial Bank Operations (domestic operations & international operations, treasury back-office, credit policy, loan and bank guarantee administration, corporate banking supports, general administration). Corporate Financial Management and Payment Services (strategic planning, financial resources planning, budgeting, and accounts management, application of ATLAS (a proprietary Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) by PeopleSoft/ Oracle)).
Information Management and Knowledge Management (using industry’s current best practices such as life-cycle approach to information management and knowledge management). Part-time graduate teaching.
Marketing and Sales to Accounts: Business development, marketing and sales force management. Stakeholder and priority accounts management. Bidding and bid evaluation. Client service and customer care.
Energy and Engineering: Technology management for economic growth and sustainable development. Energy saving/ demand-side energy management. Power transmission and distribution systems. Power and engineering projects’ management and execution. Electronic devices development.
Job Function:Sales
Industries:Banking, Finance/Investment
Specialities:Corporate Governance. Enterprise Risk Management. Corporate Financial Management. Banking Operations. Internal Controls and Compliance. Organizational Development and Change Management. Internal Audit, Project Management and Quality Assurance. Organizational Sustainability. Information Management and Knowledge Management. Energy Management and Sustainable Development.
Job Level:Manager
Finance Specialist (Accountability and Risk Management)
UNDP Vietnam
October 2000 - Present (24 years 9 months) -
Operations Manager
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Hanoi Branch
August 1998 - October 2000 (2 years 2 months) -
Project Manager
Siemens (Thailand) Limited
April 1997 - July 1998 (1 year 3 months)
School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand (Thailand)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE) (Hungary)
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