Public Profile
Tu Nguyen Minh
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Current:Senior Field Specialist at SCHLUMBERGER VIET NAM SERVICES
- Tra Vinh University, Vietnam
- DaNang Uninversity - The DaNang College of Technology, Vietnam
Connection:6 connection(s)
I've been through a position of senior specialist in giant international oil field corporation which I jointed after graduated 2008.
At this stage of my career, I see myself suitable and enthusiastic about to connect people, training people from what I've learnt, from my experience. For what I did successfully and for what I have not.
Knowledge in technical and administration provide great support in client technical sale and marketing.
Job Function:Customer Service
Industries:Education/Training, High Technology, Oil/Gas/Energy
Specialities:- Diversity environment interaction.
- Technical sale and marketing.
- High pressure and independent working.
Job Level:Experienced (Non-manager)
Senior Field Specialist
September 2008 - Present (16 years 9 months)- Responsible for delivering services to clients in the project proficiently.
- Responsible for management, training and development of juniors engineers.
- Working in Asia and Vietnam.
- Training in international learning center around the world.
Tra Vinh University (Vietnam)
Bachelors , Business administration
2014 - 2016 -
DaNang Uninversity - The DaNang College of Technology (Vietnam)
College , Electrical Engineering
2005 - 2008Secretary of HCM CY Union of the Class 05D2, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Danang University - The college of technology.
As the role of leader, I showed the initiative and really enjoyed my work. Applied the knowledge and connected the team members in useful activities.
We had great board team. We shared the jobs, inspired and drew our friends attention to social activities and study.Activities and Societies:- Participated in Green Summer Volunteer Campange 2006 in Kontum province, the Lizard Team.
- A non-regular member of Da Nang Green Ocean Club meeting.
- A member of class ABU Robocon team in 2008.
Leadership course
A great course for leaders who would like to work with their team more proficiently. To provide adequate knowledge to working team members. A course guided how to be great leader to interact with people with many softly skills.
Safety coach course
To coach and lead by example in safety in the company. Supervise applying correct working technique to avoid injuries.
Sea Survival and fire fighting course
A course provided basic knowledge about first aid along with emergency skills to cope in bad situation.
Groups and Associations:Drilling and measurements department.
Honors and Awards:Schlumberger Vice President Award
Hobbies and Interests:- Readings & traveling.
- Music.
- Swimming, football and jogging.
- Sketch a private business project. Make money.
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