Public Profile
Hiep Nguyen Danh
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Current:Quality assessment specialist (Internal Audit) at Citibank VN
- Verification and collection staff at Citibank, Hanoi Branch
- Team leader of sales at Anh Son
- Telesale at Dai-ichi life Viet Nam Ltd.,co
- Benedictine University, Vietnam
- Đại học Công nghệ, Đại học Quốc Gia Hà Nội, Vietnam
Connection:4 connection(s)
Quality assessment specialist (Internal Audit)
Citibank VN
December 2012 - Present (12 years 6 months)-Ensure the desired level of accuracy and adherence to policy, process during execution of credit initiation and collection.
-Daily perform quality assessment for end to end credit application process and collection activities for all products.
-Perform call monitoring for Tele-verification and collection Tele-calling in order to evaluate their effectiveness and improve negotiation skills.
-Reporting quality assessment results, notices of violations, timely proposed recovery actions and set out plan of prevent errors.
-Build up processes and applying new evaluation standards for teams.
By detecting of a serious mistake of credit initiation team and timely correcting the mistake, I helped Citibank maintain credibility and quality service. consequently, I was honored in senior managers’ meeting of Citibank due to my high responsibility.
Verification and collection staff
Citibank, Hanoi Branch
March 2011 - December 2012 (1 year 9 months)• Prescreening application : determine completeness of application and documents submitted, digitalize the complete application into the system, detect application that may be fraudulent.
• Verify credit information of customers by investigating the applicant’s credit history and performing tele or field verification.
• Daily set up working plan for outsourced verifiers and supervise their implementation.
• Coordinate with customer service centre Citiphone to settle complaints.
• coordinate with sale team to minimize the error in credit approval process.
• perform field collection.
Receiving an award for my contribution to Citibank and credit initiation team
Team leader of sales
Anh Son
February 2009 - October 2010 (1 year 8 months)• Set up the plan of sale.
• Monitor the implementation of team member to ensure they follow sale’s plan correctly.
• Find new customers.
• Contact to customers.
• Finish the contract.
• Customer service.
• Settlement of complaints. -
Dai-ichi life Viet Nam Ltd.,co
October 2007 - August 2008 (10 months)• introduce about products of company by Telecalling
• contact customer, base on financial capacity of customer, consult appropriate products.
• Guide customers to complete documents and procedures
• Storing, updating the necessary information to the client's information management systems
• Customer Care
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