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Yen Lưu
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Current:HR & Admin Manager at Car Care company
- Recruitment & Training Executive at Car Care Company
- HR Officer - Recruitment at Masan Food Comsumer company
- HR Executive at CMCTelecom JSC
- Vietnam, Vietnam
Connection:83 connection(s)
I wish to work in good enviroment, dynamic, professional, challenging. I have a stability job so I can promote my strengths, has a chance for more learning and to get promotions
Job Function:Management, Marketing
Industries:Headhunting & HR Services
Specialities:Knowledged about corporate culture and want to run it away
Job Level:Manager
HR & Admin Manager
Car Care company
March 2011 - Present (14 years 3 months)Promoted form R&T Executive
- Setup Organization Chart, HR Planning and setup Recruitment Planning based on HR Planning.
- Setup and review Job Decription and KPI System.
- Hiring all positions for departments.
- Setup Training plan and supervie the Training process.
- Setup Salary Structure and Rank System based on Organization Chart and Career path for all of employees also backup employees policies.
- Setup polocies of encourges to get the best results on jobs.
- Research and write the Recruitment Process, Training Process, HRM Process, Probation Regulation, Labour Regulation,…
- Detected and solving problems related to corruption, negative, social insurances,....
- Cosultant for CEO and head of departments to solve the problems about employees as: discipline, promotion, personnel transfer, wage increase based on labour law.
- Time keeping and Payroll. Anwers the questions about wage, labour contract, personal income tax and other policies.
- Monitor compensation & benefits, other allowance programs.
- Controll and analysis of HR costs every month so that get the best cost for HR.
- The other tasks assigned by CEO
- To oragnization, supervies admin tasks, documents store, sercurities, fire prevention & protection, ect...
- To controll and decrease admin cost so that saving cost but not affect KPI.
- To advise the CEO in the effective use of HR and Admin costs based on bussiness situation, objectives & strategy.
- To advise the CEO in the handling of cases arising as well as labour relationship between departments within the company and the authorities are dealt with according to law.
- Support to other departments in the management of personnel, solving conflict.
- Management staffs in HR & Admin Department. To assign works and efficient use of capacity each of employee.
- Monthly report on issues related to HR & Admin to review and make measures more effective use of cost as well as human resources.
- The other tasks assigned by CEO -
Recruitment & Training Executive
Car Care Company
May 2010 - March 2011 (10 months)1. Recruitment
- Received recruitment requisition from other departments
- Sourcing potential candidates throughout website, personal network, send newsletter.
- Search CV. Check their competencies in CV for pre-interview
- Interview, select the qualify candidate first.
- Discuss with hiring managers to analyze job openings, work out job requirements based on company’s key success factors.
- Combine & follow up interview result with other department.
- Handle interview process as smooth guaranty company planning, strategies.
- Control budget and forecast base on strategies and market trends of Recruitment.
- Work out offer package and make offer to successful candidates (deal salary, confirmation with successful candidate and thanks letter to unsuccessful candidates).
- Compose and update the recruitment process and the relative forms.
- Building Candidate’s bank used for Recruitment.
2. Trainning
- Orients new employees.
- Training regulation of the company.
- Welcome and introduce new employees to requirement department.
- Monitor the employee’s probation time.
- Write the plan for training course, include: timely, trainer, cost,....
- Work out training program based on training needs and company’s strategy.
- Coordinate for corporate training plan and ensure that it is timely implemented
- Follow up effectiveness and continuous improvement after the training by conducting training evaluation.
- Help to provide the training analysis/ summary and evolution after the training, measure the change of behavior of the trainees.
- Design/ compile the labor agreements and termination, disciplinary. Together with HR team to conduct the orientation for the new comers
3. C&B
- Registration ATM card and Tax Code for all new employees
- Monitor the implementation of policies
- Review documents related C&B.
4. Assistant
- Compose or review all of the process and regulations which concern HR Dept. (Recruitment Process, Training Process, HRM Process, Probation Regulation, Labour Regulation,…).
- Checking and storing employees personal files.
- Update, arrange and remain HR database in both hard and soft copy.
- Detected and solving problems related to corruption, negative,... with HR Director and Head of Deparments.
- Behalf of HR Director to solves some of matters when she is absent.
- Participate in the evaluation of staffs.
- Follow up admin tasks,... -
HR Officer - Recruitment
Masan Food Comsumer company
March 2009 - May 2010 (1 year 2 months) Key responsibilities:
o Managed informations of database source about: employees, product's image, ... Building database system for HR and the other department, ensure full rich images for website's company and HR newsletters.
o Performing recruitments skill: search Cvs, invite interview, direct interview candidates at grade 3 or less.
o Building CV bank provide for recruitments,...
o Request all departments are process in accordance.
o Coordinate with Administrative and the other department for welcome new employees,....
o Ensure all informations about salaries and welfare regimes to all departments.
o Perform procedures for recruitments such as: Offer Letters, commitments, agreements,... Orients new employees...
o Update, remind all departments about: Review completed works, terminate labor contracts for probation staffs,...
o Join HR Projects, activities of HR Department,...
o Management success
o Created EB for candidates
o Designed and completed storage system of HR Department.
o Recruiment some possitions for company. -
HR Executive
CMCTelecom JSC IT - Software/E-commerce
December 2007 - July 2008 (7 months) Key responsibilities:
o Recruitments:
• Planning recruitment, inform recruitments, posted vacancies,...
• Search candidates as requested by Department heads
• Short-listing & Interviewing candidates.
• Arrange tests for candidates.
• Setting up and improving recruitment process and related procedures.
• Finalize recruitment procedures.
• Control the out source system.
• Organize database & maintain candidate inventory for HR recruitment such as CV & interview result.
• Ensuring company position descriptions revised and updated for proper usage.
• Creating and maintaining candidates’ database ready for use.
• Establishing in recruitment process of company staff.
• Issue Offer letters, rejection letters.
• Handling new staff’s employment procedures and probation assessment.
• Hold orientation for new comers.
• Presenting report of weekly and monthly for Deputy Director.
o C&B:
• Making monthly attendance report to calculate payroll in store.
• Following the sickness leave, maternity do the payment procedure of social allowance.
• Timekeeper staffs.
o Training:
• Build yearly/quarterly/monthly plan and execute it.
• Control fee training and quality.
• Training staffs about: customer service skill, communication via telephone skill, ...
• Editting Training Process.
o HR Management:
• Manage the HR files, HR administration
• Review documents before submitting to Director.
• Update HR information and reports, follow Labour Contract for all staffs.
• Follow up signing labour contract of new staff and resigning labour contract for old ones.
• Other tasks assigned by the Director.
• Resolving labor discipline, violated rules
o Administration:
• Schedule appointments, meetings, travel arrangements: air ticket, hotel, accommodation…
• Contact with supplier about uniform.
• Receptionist, welcome visitors,...
• Interviewed over 500 candidates, choice about 100 staffs for Customer Service Center.
• Building Customer Service Center from 0 staff to about 100 staffs within 8 months so they're work at company and outside company.
• Successful in setting up the HR System for Customer Service Center.
• Regulatory personel for ensure their stability and customers satisfaction.
• Writing Recruitment process and use for the whole company.
Vietnam (Vietnam)
Bachelors , IT
2004 - 2007- Programing
- Networking
- Database
- IT SystemActivities and Societies:- Participate HR's forum, workshop about HR System, Recruitment, Training,...
- Training soft skills
Oral Presentation Professional skill
5 methols for Presentation Professional skill
Applying Labor Law at company
Basic concepts about Labor Law Labor contract – Agreements of Labor contract Disciplines staff & compensating material Solving Labor disputes Harvested knowledges: Identified labor relations depend on or not depend on the Labor law. Distinguish types of labor contracts and some problems have a connection with Labor law as: compensation, unilateral repudiation of labor contract by lawful and allowances for employees, job loss,...
Groups and Associations:
Honors and Awards:I’ve gotten a schoolarship in this coure about Presentation skill
Hobbies and Interests:Listen music, read psychological books and go out with my friends
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