
Connecting opportunities

Greeting From Thanh Nguyễn

Anphabe Chief Opportunity Connector

“Nobody can be successful by himself”- I am very fortunate to learn this early thanks to many people’s supports for my career and life. In return, I dedicate lots of time and really enjoy connecting people to each other, enriching their lives with useful contacts and information. is my dream coming true – A place where I wholly focus on what I’m good at and passionate about:

Connecting people - Connecting opportunities.

Today, we are proud to be Vietnam largest community for senior professionals and experts with thousands of management members and still growing very fast. Anphabe members frequently meet reputable business leaders; sharing knowledge, getting Big Jobs, acquire important Company information while keeping updated of partners, colleagues and friends.

If you are someone who believe you can be more successful through building good relationships, hence, having more knowledge and opportunities, I invite you to join Anphabe

Along your journey, if you have gained certain experiences that are worth to share, or you have some information that’s worth to pass around, or like me, you love connecting people, I urge you to join Anphabe.

Because “Success shared is success multiplied”

Together we can build the most valuable professional career network in Vietnam, for each of us and for all to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.
Happy Connecting Opportunities!
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