
Connecting opportunities


General Info

What is Anphabe? is the leading "Share to succeed" business community connecting thousands of leaders and experts in Vietnam. Believing "Success Shared is Success Multiplied", Anphabe works with top speakers to offer most valuable sharing and networking. Anphabe members frequently meet reputable business leaders; acquire important contacts, knowledge and opportunities while keeping updated of partners, colleagues and friends.

Why should I join Anphabe?

Anphabe is the leading “Share to Succeed" community for business leaders and experts in Vietnam:
- Meet reputable speakers frequently online & offline.
- Build your brand while continuosly learning through business knowledge sharing.
- Get valuable deal and contacts.
- Keep up with colleagues and friend.

How do I get the most out of Anphabe?

After having an account on, it’s quite simple for you to get Anphabe benefits
1. Complete your profile: Use Anphabe profile to introduce yourself to other leaders & experts. Anphabe also suggest People You May Know base on profile information. The more detail you put in, the petter you promote your brand & the easier for new opportunities to find you!
2. Expand your network: Invite people you know and trust to join Anphabe community. Averagely, after achieving 26 connections on Anphabe your change to access valuable new contacts & opportunities would increase significantly
3. Share your knowledge: Join Anphabe “Share to Succeed” Event and Q&A to network, learn and exchange practical business knowledge.

Account Management

How do I join Anphabe?

There are 2 ways to be a member of
I. Apply for Anphabe Membership. Steps to apply:
1. On home page, click Sign Up in the upper right or in the Log in box.
2. Fill in the Join form and click Join Now.
3. Continue to fill in your information in the Basic Professional Information form and click Finish.
4. An email with login information will be sent to your email box to help you activate your account.
5. You can explore with this approval pending account. You will receive a welcome email for your Anphabe membership in 1 business day if your registration is approved by Anphabe.

II. Request an invitation from a friend, colleague or business partner who is already a member of the site. By this way, after completing registration steps, you will become an Anphabe member as soon as activating your account.

I forgot my password, how can I retrieve it?

To retrieve your password, please follow these steps.
1. From Log In page, click Forgot password?
2. Fill in your registered email address in the Get Password form and click Submit. You will receive an instruction email from us.
3. Open this email and click on the link provided. A new page Reset Password will open for you to enter your new password twice. Then click Reset.
4. When the successful notice appears, your password has been changed successfully. You can then login to Anphabe using your new password.

How do I change my password?

To change your password, follow the steps below.
1. On the Anphabe homepage, click on Log in.
2. Login with your username and password. Then click on Settings then Account Settings in the right top navigation menu.
3. Go to Change Password tab, confirm current password, enter your new password twice then click Submit.
4. When the successful notice appears, your password has been changed.

How do I change my login email?

To change your email login, follow the steps below.
1. On the Anphabe homepage, click on Log in.
2. Login with your username and password. Then click on Settings then Account Settings in the right top navigation menu.
3. Go to Email Address tab, enter your new email address, you will be required to verify the email address.
5. Whenever your new email address is verified, you can use it as your login email.
6. When the successful notice appears, your login email has been changed.

How do I cancel my account?

If you want to cancel your account, please contact us.

Member's Basic Benefit

How many connections can I have with my Anphabe account?

500. If your account nearly reaches this limit, please contact us for further support.

How many connection invitations can I send a day?

You can send up to 500 invitations a day and can only re-send invitation to the same invitee after 5 days. You cannot send invitation more if your pending invitations are greater than 500. You have to delete them before sending new invitations.

Who and how many people can I send private message to a time?

You can send private message to your 1st handshakes, only 5 people a time. You can also send private message to 2nd handshakes but only 10 people a day.

How many people can I follow on

You can follow unlimited people. You also keep the right to remove your follower.

How many search results can I see on a people search query?

50 search results for standard account, you may see more if you got a medal reward. If you want to see more search result, please contact us for further support.


What does Anphabe do with my information?

Anphabe is committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals who use our services. We do not give out your email address or other personally identifiable information to other users or to third parties without your permission. Review our Privacy Policy to learn more about the kind of data that is collected about you, with whom it is shared, and for what purposes. The User’s Responsibility section of the Terms of Use also shows the policies that users agree to respect regarding the privacy of other users.

How to protect my privacy the best?

Anphabe recommends that you only connect to people you know and trust well enough to recommend them to others. This gives you much more control over who can see your profile and who can contact you, and it makes it far more likely that Introduction requests that are forwarded to you will be in line with your interests. In addition, since your direct connections are able to see your most up-to-date primary email address, connecting only to people you trust will help you keep your contact information safe. Select a password for Anphabe that can't easily be guessed - for instance, one that includes 10 or more characters and includes both letters and numbers. Never give your Anphabe password to others. If you use a public or shared computer to log in to Anphabe, make sure that you log out completely when you've finished.

How can I edit my privacy settings?

To edit your privacy settings, please follow these steps.
1. On the Anphabe homepage, click on Login.
2. Login with your username and password.
3. Click Settings then Privacy Settings on the top right corner of any pages when logged in.
4. You can edit your privacy settings in terms of Contact, Profile, Updates, Group Settings and Email Notifications.


Why should I complete my profile?

Great opportunities might just a profile away. Users with complete profiles have significant more chances to receive opportunities and get found through Anphabe.

How to complete my profile?

To complete your account, all of the following elements need filling in:

Components Percentage (%)
Current position 20
1 Education 20
1 past position 20
Profile Summary 10
Profile Photo 5
Contact Details 10
Give or receive 1 recommendation
(Not applied yet)
Reach first 26 first-handshake connections 10

How do I edit/update my profile?

To edit your profile, please follow these steps.
1. On the Anphabe homepage, click on Login.
2. Login with your username and password.
3. Go to Profile on the navigation menu bar then click on Edit Profile in sub menu. Now you can change any part or add more information for your profile in terms of Summary, Experience, Education, Training, Personal Information, Additional Information and Profile Photo.

How do I upload a photo on my profile?

To edit your profile, please follow these steps.
1. On the Anphabe homepage, click on Login.
2. Login with your username and password.
3. Go to Profile on the navigation menu bar then click on Edit Profile in sub menu.
4. Go to Profile Photo tab to begin upload your profile photo.
Please notice that your photo will be screened and can be rejected by Anphabe. We only accept personal professional photo files *.jpeg, *.png, *.gif with size less than 500KB.


How do I build my professional network?

Find people who can and want to add value to your chosen professional pursuit. Connect with them and be connected by them. Your network should be made of people whose value is measured by the amount and quality of knowledge and resources available within your network.

Remember Anphabe leads with "quality and quantity". Your network should be about quality and quantity of knowledge, resources, skills and advocacy that Anphabe can help unlock.

Invitations are a good resource when reaching out to people to ask them to join your network. Ensure when sending invitations you know the person you are reaching out to, this is generally someone you have worked with, collaborated on projects with or maybe attended school with. These will be persons that can recommend you to others. These persons will become your first handshake connections.

When there is a connection invitation sent to you, you will see it in your Invitation list of Messages. For an invitation, you can:

  • - Click Accept the invitation if you know the invitee.
  • - Click Ignore the invitation if you don’t know the invitee.
  • - Click Report Abuse to help us prevent the community from spam.

Medal Reward

How do I get an Anphabe medal and what is the benefit when I get an Anphabe medal?

Achievement Medal Icon Benefit
Get first 26 connections
Invite Connections
Alpha Networker
invite-connection icon
- See 50 people search results more*.
- Send 10 private messages to members who are not 1st handshakes.
Receive 3 recommendations
Request recommendation
request-recommend icon
- A Famous symbol posted to profile.
- See 80 people search results more*.
- Send 20 private messages to members who are not 1st handshakes.
Have 25 points for asking questions or 25 points for answering questions
Ask or answer a question now
qa-answer-question icon
- An Expert symbol posted to profile.
- See 150 people search result more*.
- Send 30 private messages to members who are not 1st handshakes.
- Join all groups without waiting for approval.
Invited by Anphabe to 100-advisor board
See Advisor Board
Anphabe Advisor
founder-advisor icon
- An Advisor symbol posted to profile.
- Become weekly advisor of the discussion board on Anphabe.
- Send 30 private messages to members who are not 1st handshakes.
- See 150 search results*.

*: Compare to Standard Account (Standard members can see up to 50 search results, see Search Policy for details).


How do I create a recommendation?

There are 3 ways to recommend a colleague, service provider, or business partner: from your profile, from their profile and in response to a request for a recommendation.

1. To recommend a person from your profile:

  • Login to your Anphabe account and go to Profile then Recommendations in the navigation menu bar.
  • Click the Make Recommendations tab or Make Recommendation link in other tabs.
  • Choose a 1st handshake connection you want to recommend
  • Follow the instructions provided.

2. To recommend a person from their profile:

  • Click link Make Recommendation on the right corner of the profile or under Experience, find the position for which you want to recommend them and click Recommend [name] for this position link.
  • Choose a category: service provider, business partner, or colleague.
  • Follow the instructions provided.

3. To recommend a person in response to a request:

  • Open the message from your Anphabe Messages.
  • Click Make Recommendation
  • If this is an original request, you will be directed to a page where you can compose and submit your recommendation.
  • If this is a request to replace an existing recommendation, you will be taken to a page where you can edit the previous recommendation and submit the revised text.

How can I request for a recommendation?

There are 2 ways to request for a recommendation.

1. To request a recommendation for a position, follow these steps.

  • Open your Profile.
  • Click Request Recommendations link under the position you want to be recommended for.
  • Select the position you want to be recommended for.
  • Decide who you'll ask (select a 1st handshake connection).
  • Create the message to be sent to your contact or use the default message.
  • Click Send button.

2. To request a recommendation from menu bar

  • Go to Profile then Recommendations in the navigation menu bar, follow these steps.
  • Go to Request Recommendations tab.
  • Select the position you want to be recommended for.
  • Decide who you'll ask (select a 1st handshake connection).
  • Create the message to be sent to your contact or use the default message.
  • Click Send button.

Can I edit a recommendation that I've written for another Anphabe User?

To edit a recommendation, follow these steps.

  • Go to your Recommendations in Profile of the navigation menu bar when you are logged in.
  • Choose tab Sent Recommendations.
  • Click Edit next to the recommendation that you want to update.
  • Update the recommendation.
  • Click Send button.


Why should I use Anphabe Introductions?

Although you can send invitation or private message to your 2nd handshakes limitedly, introductions can help you to get higher acceptance chance from your 2nd handshakes and avoid being marked as Spam. When you want to contact a user who is your 2nd handshakes, you can simply request an Introduction through one of your 1st connections.

How do I use an Introduction?

To be introduced to a 2nd handshake connection in your network, follow these steps.
1. Choose a user that you want to contact in your network.
2. Choose a shared connection to ask for an Introduction.
3. Your connection will forward it on to the desired recipient (2nd handshake connection).
4. Contact the desired member after their acceptance.

Anphabe Q&A

How many questions can I post in Anphabe Q&A a day?

This limit is to help you think about the quality of your question in terms of creating value for community.

How many answers can I make in Anphabe Q&A a day?

Unlimited as long as your answers are proper and you abide by the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Anphabe Groups

Can I create a group in Anphabe Group?

Yes, but your group must be approved by Anphabe. It helps us build a senior business community for leaders and experts.

How can I join an Anphabe group?

You are free to join an open group. For a request-to-join group, you have to wait for approval by the group owner or get invited by a group member.

Anphabe Events

Can I create an event on Anphabe?

Yes, but your event must be approved by Anphabe. It helps us build a senior business community for leaders and experts.

How can I join an event created on Anphabe?

You keep the right to confirm to attend any event posted on Anphabe. Depending on each event, you may pay fee for participating if any.

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